audio β„– word type definition translation
πŸ”Š 1 descent noun The act of moving or going downward. afkoms
πŸ”Š 2 descry verb To discern. bespied
πŸ”Š 3 desert verb To abandon without regard to the welfare of the abandoned woestyn
πŸ”Š 4 desiccant noun Any remedy which, when applied externally, dries up or absorbs moisture, as that of wounds. droogmiddel
πŸ”Š 5 designate verb To select or appoint, as by authority. aanwys
πŸ”Š 6 desist verb To cease from action. ophou
πŸ”Š 7 desistance noun Cessation. desistance
πŸ”Š 8 despair noun Utter hopelessness and despondency. wanhoop
πŸ”Š 9 desperado noun One without regard for law or life. Desperado
πŸ”Š 10 desperate adjective Resorted to in a last extremity, or as if prompted by utter despair. desperate
πŸ”Š 11 despicable adjective Contemptible. veragtelike
πŸ”Š 12 despite prep. In spite of. ten spyte van
πŸ”Š 13 despond verb To lose spirit, courage, or hope. moedeloos
πŸ”Š 14 despondent adjective Disheartened. moedeloos
πŸ”Š 15 despot noun An absolute and irresponsible monarch. despoot
πŸ”Š 16 despotism noun Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part. despotisme
πŸ”Š 17 destitute adjective Poverty-stricken. haweloos
πŸ”Š 18 desultory adjective Not connected with what precedes. oppervlakkig
πŸ”Š 19 deter verb To frighten away. afskrik
πŸ”Š 20 deteriorate verb To grow worse. versleg
πŸ”Š 21 determinate adjective Definitely limited or fixed. bepaalde
πŸ”Š 22 determination noun The act of deciding. bepaling
πŸ”Š 23 deterrent adjective Hindering from action through fear. afskrikmiddel
πŸ”Š 24 detest verb To dislike or hate with intensity. hekel
πŸ”Š 25 detract verb To take away in such manner as to lessen value or estimation. afbreuk
πŸ”Š 26 detriment noun Something that causes damage, depreciation, or loss. nadeel
πŸ”‡ detrude verb To push down forcibly. detrude
πŸ”Š 28 deviate verb To take a different course. afwyk
πŸ”Š 29 devilry noun Malicious mischief. roek loze moed
πŸ”Š 30 devious adjective Out of the common or regular track. onderduims
πŸ”Š 31 devise verb To invent. bedink
πŸ”Š 32 devout adjective Religious. toegewyde
πŸ”Š 33 dexterity noun Readiness, precision, efficiency, and ease in any physical activity or in any mechanical work. behendigheid
πŸ”Š 34 diabolic adjective Characteristic of the devil. diaboliese
πŸ”Š 35 diacritical adjective Marking a difference. diakritiese
πŸ”Š 36 diagnose verb To distinguish, as a disease, by its characteristic phenomena. diagnoseer
πŸ”Š 37 diagnosis noun Determination of the distinctive nature of a disease. diagnose
πŸ”Š 38 dialect noun Forms of speech collectively that are peculiar to the people of a particular district. dialek
πŸ”Š 39 dialogue noun A formal conversation in which two or more take part. dialoog
πŸ”Š 40 diaphanous adjective Transparent. doorzichtig
πŸ”Š 41 diatomic adjective Containing only two atoms. diatomiese
πŸ”Š 42 diatribe noun A bitter or malicious criticism. diatribe
πŸ”Š 43 dictum noun A positive utterance. dictum
πŸ”Š 44 didactic adjective Pertaining to teaching. didaktiese
πŸ”Š 45 difference noun Dissimilarity in any respect. verskil
πŸ”Š 46 differentia noun Any essential characteristic of a species by reason of which it differs from other species. die onderskei
πŸ”Š 47 differential adjective Distinctive. differensiΓ«le
πŸ”Š 48 differentiate verb To acquire a distinct and separate character. onderskei
πŸ”Š 49 diffidence noun Self-distrust. bedeesd
πŸ”Š 50 diffident adjective Affected or possessed with self-distrust. bedeesd
πŸ”Š 51 diffusible adjective Spreading rapidly through the system and acting quickly. diffusible
πŸ”Š 52 diffusion noun Dispersion. diffusie
πŸ”Š 53 dignitary noun One who holds high rank. hooggeplaaste
πŸ”Š 54 digress verb To turn aside from the main subject and for a time dwell on some incidental matter. afdwaal
πŸ”‡ dilapidated pa. Fallen into decay or partial ruin. vervalle
πŸ”Š 56 dilate verb To enlarge in all directions. verwyd
πŸ”Š 57 dilatory adjective Tending to cause delay. traagheid
πŸ”Š 58 dilemma noun A situation in which a choice between opposing modes of conduct is necessary. dilemma
πŸ”Š 59 diligence noun Careful and persevering effort to accomplish what is undertaken. ywer
πŸ”Š 60 dilute verb To make more fluid or less concentrated by admixture with something. verdun
πŸ”Š 61 diminution noun Reduction. vermindering
πŸ”Š 62 dimly adverb Obscurely. dof
πŸ”Š 63 diphthong noun The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or running together the sounds. diftong
πŸ”Š 64 diplomacy noun Tact, shrewdness, or skill in conducting any kind of negotiations or in social matters. diplomasie
πŸ”Š 65 diplomat noun A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another. diplomaat
πŸ”Š 66 diplomatic adjective Characterized by special tact in negotiations. diplomatieke
πŸ”Š 67 disagree verb To be opposite in opinion. verskil
πŸ”Š 68 disallow verb To withhold permission or sanction. weier
πŸ”Š 69 disappear verb To cease to exist, either actually or for the time being. verdwyn
πŸ”Š 70 disappoint verb To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope, wish, or desire of. teleurstel
πŸ”Š 71 disapprove verb To regard with blame. afkeur
πŸ”Š 72 disarm verb To deprive of weapons. ontwapen
πŸ”Š 73 disarrange verb To throw out of order. war bring
πŸ”Š 74 disavow verb To disclaim responsibility for. loochenen
πŸ”Š 75 disavowal noun Denial. loochening
πŸ”Š 76 disbeliever noun One who refuses to believe. ongelowige
πŸ”Š 77 disburden verb To disencumber. ontlasten
πŸ”Š 78 disburse verb To pay out or expend, as money from a fund. uitbetaal
πŸ”Š 79 discard verb To reject. weggooi
πŸ”Š 80 discernible adjective Perceivable. waarneembaar
πŸ”Š 81 disciple noun One who believes the teaching of another, or who adopts and follows some doctrine. dissipel
πŸ”Š 82 disciplinary adjective Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority. dissiplinΓͺre
πŸ”Š 83 discipline verb To train to obedience. dissipline
πŸ”Š 84 disclaim verb To disavow any claim to, connection with, or responsibility to. ontken
πŸ”Š 85 discolor verb To stain. discolor
πŸ”Š 86 discomfit verb To put to confusion. verwar
πŸ”Š 87 discomfort noun The state of being positively uncomfortable. ongemak
πŸ”Š 88 disconnect verb To undo or dissolve the connection or association of. ontkoppel
πŸ”Š 89 disconsolate adjective Grief-stricken. somber
πŸ”Š 90 discontinuance noun Interruption or intermission. beΓ«indiging
πŸ”Š 91 discord noun Absence of harmoniousness. onmin
πŸ”Š 92 discover verb To get first sight or knowledge of, as something previously unknown or unperceived. ontdek
πŸ”Š 93 discredit verb To injure the reputation of. diskrediteer
πŸ”Š 94 discreet adjective Judicious. strategies
πŸ”Š 95 discrepant adjective Opposite. diskrepante
πŸ”Š 96 discriminate verb To draw a distinction. diskrimineer
πŸ”Š 97 discursive adjective Passing from one subject to another. diskursiewe
πŸ”Š 98 discussion noun Debate. bespreking
πŸ”Š 99 disenfranchise verb To deprive of any right privilege or power burgerrechten ontneem
πŸ”Š 100 disengage verb To become detached. ontkoppel
πŸ”Š 101 disfavor noun Disregard. ongenade
πŸ”Š 102 disfigure verb To impair or injure the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of. ontsier
πŸ”Š 103 dishabille noun Undress or negligent attire. huis jurk
πŸ”Š 104 dishonest adjective Untrustworthy. oneerlik
πŸ”Š 105 disillusion verb To disenchant. ontnugtering
πŸ”Š 106 disinfect verb To remove or destroy the poison of infectious or contagious diseases. ontsmet
πŸ”Š 107 disinfectant noun A substance used to destroy the germs of infectious diseases. ontsmettingsmiddel
πŸ”Š 108 disinherit verb To deprive of an inheritance. uitroei
πŸ”Š 109 disinterested adjective Impartial. onpartydige
πŸ”Š 110 disjunctive adjective Helping or serving to disconnect or separate. Disjunkte
πŸ”Š 111 dislocate verb To put out of proper place or order. ontwrichten
πŸ”Š 112 dismissal noun Displacement by authority from an office or an employment. ontslag
πŸ”Š 113 dismount verb To throw down, push off, or otherwise remove from a horse or the like. Afklim
πŸ”Š 114 disobedience noun Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction. ongehoorsaamheid
πŸ”Š 115 disobedient adjective Neglecting or refusing to obey. ongehoorsame
πŸ”Š 116 disown verb To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself. verloΓ«n
πŸ”Š 117 disparage verb To regard or speak of slightingly. afkraak
πŸ”Š 118 disparity noun Inequality. verskil
πŸ”Š 119 dispel verb To drive away by or as by scattering in different directions. wegneem
πŸ”Š 120 dispensation noun That which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a higher power. bedeling
πŸ”Š 121 displace verb To put out of the proper or accustomed place. verplaas
πŸ”Š 122 dispossess verb To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate. verdrywe
πŸ”Š 123 disputation noun Verbal controversy. woordestryd
πŸ”Š 124 disqualify verb To debar. diskwalifiseer
πŸ”Š 125 disquiet verb To deprive of peace or tranquillity. onrus
πŸ”Š 126 disregard verb To take no notice of. verontagsaming
πŸ”Š 127 disreputable adjective Dishonorable or disgraceful. berug
πŸ”Š 128 disrepute noun A bad name or character. oneer
πŸ”Š 129 disrobe verb To unclothe. ontkleden
πŸ”Š 130 disrupt verb To burst or break asunder. ontwrig
πŸ”Š 131 dissatisfy verb To displease. bevredigen
πŸ”Š 132 dissect verb To cut apart or to pieces. dissekteer
πŸ”Š 133 dissection noun The act or operation of cutting in pieces, specifically of a plant or an animal. disseksie
πŸ”Š 134 dissemble verb To hide by pretending something different. huigel
πŸ”Š 135 disseminate verb To sow or scatter abroad, as seed is sown. versprei
πŸ”Š 136 dissension noun Angry or violent difference of opinion. verdeeldheid
πŸ”Š 137 dissent noun Disagreement. verdeeldheid
πŸ”Š 138 dissentient noun One who disagrees. anders dink
πŸ”Š 139 dissentious adjective Contentious. dissentious
πŸ”Š 140 dissertation noun Thesis. verhandeling
πŸ”Š 141 disservice noun An ill turn. slegte
πŸ”Š 142 dissever verb To divide. dissever
πŸ”Š 143 dissimilar adjective Different. uiteenlopende
πŸ”Š 144 dissipate verb To disperse or disappear. ontbind
πŸ”Š 145 dissipation noun The state of being dispersed or scattered. losbandigheid
πŸ”Š 146 dissolute adjective Lewd. losbandige
πŸ”Š 147 dissolution noun A breaking up of a union of persons. ontbinding
πŸ”Š 148 dissolve verb To liquefy or soften, as by heat or moisture. ontbind
πŸ”Š 149 dissonance noun Discord. onenigheid
πŸ”Š 150 dissonant adjective Harsh or disagreeable in sound. dissonante
πŸ”Š 151 dissuade verb To change the purpose or alter the plans of by persuasion, counsel, or pleading. weerhou
πŸ”Š 152 dissuasion noun The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of through persuasion, or pleading. afschrikking
πŸ”Š 153 distemper noun A disease or malady. hondesiekte
πŸ”Š 154 distend verb To stretch out or expand in every direction. opzwellen
πŸ”Š 155 distensible adjective Capable of being stretched out or expanded in every direction. rekbare
πŸ”Š 156 distention noun Expansion. uitsetting
πŸ”Š 157 distill verb To extract or produce by vaporization and condensation. distilleer
πŸ”Š 158 distillation noun Separation of the more volatile parts of a substance from those less volatile. distillasie
πŸ”Š 159 distiller noun One occupied in the business of distilling alcoholic liquors. distilleerder
πŸ”Š 160 distinction noun A note or designation of honor, officially recognizing superiority or success in studies. onderskeid
πŸ”Š 161 distort verb To twist into an unnatural or irregular form. verdraai
πŸ”Š 162 distrain verb To subject a person to distress. beslag
πŸ”Š 163 distrainor noun One who subjects a person to distress. distrainor
πŸ”Š 164 distraught adjective Bewildered. ontstelde
πŸ”Š 165 distrust noun Lack of confidence in the power, wisdom, or good intent of any person. wantroue
πŸ”Š 166 disunion noun Separation of relations or interests. onenigheid
πŸ”Š 167 diurnal adjective Daily. daaglikse
πŸ”Š 168 divagation noun Digression. swakheid
πŸ”Š 169 divergent adjective Tending in different directions. uiteenlopende
πŸ”Š 170 diverse adjective Capable of various forms. diverse
πŸ”Š 171 diversion noun Pastime. afleiding
πŸ”Š 172 diversity noun Dissimilitude. diversiteit
πŸ”Š 173 divert verb To turn from the accustomed course or a line of action already established. af te lei
πŸ”‡ divertible adjective Able to be turned from the accustomed course or a line of action already established. divertible
πŸ”Š 175 divest verb To strip, specifically of clothes, ornaments, or accouterments or disinvestment. stoot
πŸ”Š 176 divination noun The pretended forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or hidden. waarsΓͺery
πŸ”Š 177 divinity noun The quality or character of being godlike. goddelikheid
πŸ”Š 178 divisible adjective Capable of being separated into parts. deelbaar
πŸ”Š 179 divisor noun That by which a number or quantity is divided. deler
πŸ”Š 180 divulge verb To tell or make known, as something previously private or secret. openbaar
πŸ”Š 181 divulgence noun A divulging. bekendmaking
πŸ”Š 182 docile adjective Easy to manage. mak
πŸ”Š 183 docket noun The registry of judgments of a court. dossier
πŸ”Š 184 doe noun The female of the deer. doen
πŸ”Š 185 dogma noun A statement of religious faith or duty formulated by a body claiming authority. dogma
πŸ”Š 186 dogmatic adjective Making statements without argument or evidence. dogmatiese
πŸ”Š 187 dogmatize verb To make positive assertions without supporting them by argument or evidence. dogmatiseren
πŸ”Š 188 doleful adjective Melancholy. droewe
πŸ”Š 189 dolesome adjective Melancholy. dolesome
πŸ”Š 190 dolor noun Lamentation. dolor
πŸ”Š 191 dolorous adjective Expressing or causing sorrow or pain. droefgeestig
πŸ”Š 192 domain noun A sphere or field of action or interest. domein
πŸ”Š 193 domesticity noun Life in or fondness for one's home and family. huishouding
πŸ”Š 194 domicile noun The place where one lives. domisilie
πŸ”Š 195 dominance noun Ascendancy. oorheersing
πŸ”Š 196 dominant adjective Conspicuously prominent. dominante
πŸ”Š 197 dominate verb To influence controllingly. oorheers
πŸ”Š 198 domination noun Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority. oorheersing
πŸ”Š 199 domineer verb To rule with insolence or unnecessary annoyance. overheersen
πŸ”Š 200 donate verb To bestow as a gift, especially for a worthy cause. skenk

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