audio № word type definition translation
🔊 1 corruptible adjective Open to bribery. verganklike
🔊 2 corruption noun Loss of purity or integrity. korrupsie
🔊 3 cosmetic adjective Pertaining to the art of beautifying, especially the complexion. kosmetiese
🔊 4 cosmic adjective Pertaining to the universe. kosmiese
🔊 5 cosmography noun The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography, and geology. kosmografie
🔊 6 cosmology noun The general science of the universe. kosmologie
🔊 7 cosmopolitan adjective Common to all the world. kosmopolitiese
🔊 8 cosmopolitanism noun A cosmopolitan character. kosmopolitisme
🔊 9 cosmos noun The world or universe considered as a system, perfect in order and arrangement. kosmos
🔊 10 counter-claim noun A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff.
🔊 11 counteract verb To act in opposition to. teen te werk
🔊 12 counterbalance verb To oppose with an equal force. tegengewicht
🔊 13 countercharge verb To accuse in return. teen aanklacht
🔊 14 counterfeit adjective Made to resemble something else. nagemaakte
🔊 15 counterpart noun Something taken with another for the completion of either. eweknie
🔊 16 countervail verb To offset. compenseren
🔊 17 counting-house noun A house or office used for transacting business, bookkeeping, correspondence, etc.
🔊 18 countryman noun A rustic. landgenoot
🔊 19 courageous adjective Brave. moedige
🔊 20 course noun Line of motion or direction. kursus
🔊 21 courser noun A fleet and spirited horse. drawwertjie
🔊 22 courtesy noun Politeness originating in kindness and exercised habitually. vergunning
🔊 23 covenant noun An agreement entered into by two or more persons or parties. verbond
🔊 24 covert adjective Concealed, especially for an evil purpose. koverte
🔊 25 covey noun A flock of quails or partridges. Covey
🔊 26 cower verb To crouch down tremblingly, as through fear or shame. bewe
🔊 27 crag noun A rugged, rocky projection on a cliff or ledge. rots
🔊 28 cranium noun The skull of an animal, especially that part enclosing the brain. skedel
🔊 29 crass adjective Coarse or thick in nature or structure, as opposed to thin or fine. kras
🔊 30 craving noun A vehement desire. drang
🔊 31 creak noun A sharp, harsh, squeaking sound. kraak
🔊 32 creamery noun A butter-making establishment. botterfabriek
🔊 33 creamy adjective Resembling or containing cream. romerige
🔊 34 credence noun Belief. geloofwaardigheid
🔊 35 credible adjective Believable. geloofwaardige
🔊 36 credulous adjective Easily deceived. goedgelowige
🔊 37 creed noun A formal summary of fundamental points of religious belief. geloof
🔊 38 crematory adjective A place for cremating dead bodies. crematorium
🔊 39 crevasse noun A deep crack or fissure in the ice of a glacier. skeur
🔊 40 crevice noun A small fissure, as between two contiguous surfaces. skeur
🔊 41 criterion noun A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion. maatstaf
🔊 42 critique noun A criticism or critical review. kritiek
🔊 43 crockery noun Earthenware made from baked clay. breekware
🔊 44 crucible noun A trying and purifying test or agency. smeltkroes
🔊 45 crusade noun Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or principle. kruistog
🔊 46 crustacean adjective Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish, etc. skaaldier
🔊 47 crustaceous adjective Having a crust-like shell. crustaceous
🔊 48 cryptogram noun Anything written in characters that are secret or so arranged as to have hidden meaning. kriptogram
🔊 49 crystallize verb To bring together or give fixed shape to. kristalliseer
🔊 50 cudgel noun A short thick stick used as a club. knuppel
🔊 51 culinary adjective Of or pertaining to cooking or the kitchen. kulinêre
🔊 52 cull verb To pick or sort out from the rest. slag
🔊 53 culpable adjective Guilty. strafbare
🔊 54 culprit noun A guilty person. skuldige
🔊 55 culvert noun Any artificial covered channel for the passage of water through a bank or under a road, canal. duiker
🔊 56 cupidity noun Avarice. begeerlikheid
🔊 57 curable adjective Capable of being remedied or corrected. geneesbaar
🔊 58 curator noun A person having charge as of a library or museum. kurator
🔊 59 curio noun A piece of bric-a-brac. curio
🔊 60 cursive adjective Writing in which the letters are joined together. lopende
🔊 61 cursory adjective Rapid and superficial. oppervlakkige
🔊 62 curt adjective Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression. Curt
🔊 63 curtail verb To cut off or cut short. beperk
🔊 64 curtsy noun A downward movement of the body by bending the knees. buiging
🔊 65 cycloid adjective Like a circle. sikloïde
🔊 66 cygnet noun A young swan. zwaantje
🔊 67 cynical adjective Exhibiting moral skepticism. sinies
🔊 68 cynicism noun Contempt for the opinions of others and of what others value. sinisme
🔊 69 cynosure noun That to which general interest or attention is directed. aanbid
🔊 70 daring adjective Brave. durf
🔊 71 darkling adverb Blindly. Ingrid Jonker
🔊 72 dastard noun A base coward. lafaard
🔊 73 datum noun A premise, starting-point, or given fact. datum
🔊 74 dauntless adjective Fearless. onversaagd
🔇 day-man noun A day-laborer.
🔇 dead-heat noun A race in which two or more competitors come out even, and there is no winner.
🔊 77 dearth noun Scarcity, as of something customary, essential ,or desirable. hongersnood
🔇 death's-head noun A human skull as a symbol of death.
🔊 79 debase verb To lower in character or virtue. verneder
🔊 80 debatable adjective Subject to contention or dispute. debatteerbaar
🔊 81 debonair adjective Having gentle or courteous bearing or manner. vrolik
🔊 82 debut noun A first appearance in society or on the stage. debuut
🔊 83 decagon noun A figure with ten sides and ten angles. tienhoek
🔊 84 decamp verb To leave suddenly or unexpectedly. opbreken
🔊 85 decapitate verb To behead. onthoof
🔊 86 decapod adjective Ten-footed or ten-armed. decapod
🔊 87 decasyllable noun A line of ten syllables. decasyllable
🔊 88 deceit noun Falsehood. bedrog
🔊 89 deceitful adjective Fraudulent. bedrieglike
🔊 90 deceive verb To mislead by or as by falsehood. mislei
🔊 91 decency noun Moral fitness. ordentlikheid
🔊 92 decent adjective Characterized by propriety of conduct, speech, manners, or dress. ordentlike
🔊 93 deciduous adjective Falling off at maturity as petals after flowering, fruit when ripe, etc. bladwisselende
🔊 94 decimal adjective Founded on the number 10. desimale
🔊 95 decimate verb To destroy a measurable or large proportion of. decimeren
🔊 96 decipher verb To find out the true words or meaning of, as something hardly legible. ontsyfer
🔊 97 decisive ad. Conclusive. beslissende
🔊 98 declamation noun A speech recited or intended for recitation from memory in public. deklamasie
🔊 99 declamatory adjective A full and formal style of utterance. hoogdravend
🔊 100 declarative adjective Containing a formal, positive, or explicit statement or affirmation. verklarende
🔊 101 declension noun The change of endings in nouns and verbuiging
🔊 102 decorate verb To embellish. versier
🔊 103 decorous adjective Suitable for the occasion or circumstances. welvoeglijk
🔊 104 decoy noun Anything that allures, or is intended to allures into danger or temptation. lokmiddel
🔊 105 decrepit adjective Enfeebled, as by old age or some chronic infirmity. afgeleefde
🔊 106 dedication noun The voluntary consecration or relinquishment of something to an end or cause. toewyding
🔊 107 deduce verb To derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises or principles. aflei
🔊 108 deface verb To mar or disfigure the face or external surface of. ontsier
🔊 109 defalcate verb To cut off or take away, as a part of something. verduisteren
🔊 110 defamation noun Malicious and groundless injury done to the reputation or good name of another. laster
🔊 111 defame verb To slander. laster
🔊 112 default noun The neglect or omission of a legal requirement. verstek
🔊 113 defendant noun A person against whom a suit is brought. verweerder
🔊 114 defensible adjective Capable of being maintained or justified. verdedigbaar
🔊 115 defensive adjective Carried on in resistance to aggression. verdedigende
🔊 116 defer verb To delay or put off to some other time. uitstel
🔊 117 deference noun Respectful submission or yielding, as to another's opinion, wishes, or judgment. onderdanigheid
🔊 118 defiant adjective Characterized by bold or insolent opposition. uitdagend
🔊 119 deficiency noun Lack or insufficiency. tekort
🔊 120 deficient adjective Not having an adequate or proper supply or amount. gebrekkig
🔊 121 definite adjective Having an exact signification or positive meaning. definitiewe
🔊 122 deflect verb To cause to turn aside or downward. buig
🔊 123 deforest verb To clear of forests. ontbos
🔊 124 deform verb To disfigure. vervorm
🔊 125 deformity noun A disfigurement. misvorming
🔊 126 defraud verb To deprive of something dishonestly. bedrieg
🔊 127 defray verb To make payment for. bestry
🔊 128 degeneracy noun A becoming worse. ontaarding
🔊 129 degenerate verb To become worse or inferior. ontaard
🔊 130 degradation noun Diminution, as of strength or magnitude. agteruitgang
🔊 131 degrade verb To take away honors or position from. verneder
🔊 132 dehydrate verb To deprive of water. dehidreer
🔊 133 deify verb To regard or worship as a god. vergoddelik
🔊 134 deign verb To deem worthy of notice or account. verwerdig
🔊 135 deity noun A god, goddess, or divine person. godheid
🔊 136 deject verb To dishearten. neerslachtig
🔊 137 dejection noun Melancholy. neerslagtigheid
🔊 138 delectable adjective Delightful to the taste or to the senses. smullekker
🔊 139 delectation noun Delight. genot
🔊 140 deleterious adjective Hurtful, morally or physically. nadelige
🔊 141 delicacy noun That which is agreeable to a fine taste. lekkerny
🔊 142 delineate verb To represent by sketch or diagram. baken
🔊 143 deliquesce verb To dissolve gradually and become liquid by absorption of moisture from the air. vloeibaar
🔊 144 delirious adjective Raving. yl
🔊 145 delude verb To mislead the mind or judgment of. mislei
🔊 146 deluge verb To overwhelm with a flood of water. stortvloed
🔊 147 delusion noun Mistaken conviction, especially when more or less enduring. dwaling
🔊 148 demagnetize verb To deprive (a magnet) of magnetism. demagnetiseren
🔊 149 demagogue noun An unprincipled politician. demagoog
🔊 150 demeanor noun Deportment. houding
🔊 151 demented adjective Insane. demente
🔊 152 demerit noun A mark for failure or bad conduct. strafpuntstelsel
🔊 153 demise noun Death. ondergang
🔊 154 demobilize verb To disband, as troops. demobilize
🔊 155 demolish verb To annihilate. sloop
🔊 156 demonstrable adjective Capable of positive proof. bewysbare
🔊 157 demonstrate verb To prove indubitably. demonstreer
🔊 158 demonstrative adjective Inclined to strong exhibition or expression of feeling or thoughts. demonstratiewe
🔊 159 demonstrator noun One who proves in a convincing and conclusive manner. betoger
🔊 160 demulcent noun Any application soothing to an irritable surface kalmerend
🔊 161 demurrage noun the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing. liggeld
🔊 162 dendroid adjective Like a tree. boom soortgelyk
🔊 163 dendrology noun The natural history of trees. dendrologie
🔊 164 denizen noun Inhabitant. bewoner
🔊 165 denominate verb To give a name or epithet to. denominate
🔊 166 denomination noun A body of Christians united by a common faith and form of worship and discipline. denominasie
🔊 167 denominator noun Part of a fraction which expresses the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided. deler
🔊 168 denote verb To designate by word or mark. dui
🔊 169 denounce verb To point out or publicly accuse as deserving of punishment, censure, or odium. veroordeel
🔊 170 dentifrice noun Any preparation used for cleaning the teeth. tandpasta
🔊 171 denude verb To strip the covering from. beroof
🔊 172 denunciation noun The act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or punishment. veroordeling
🔊 173 deplete verb To reduce or lessen, as by use, exhaustion, or waste. uitput
🔊 174 deplorable adjective Contemptible. betreurenswaardig
🔊 175 deplore verb To regard with grief or sorrow. betreur
🔊 176 deponent adjective Laying down. deponent
🔊 177 depopulate verb To remove the inhabitants from. ontvolken
🔊 178 deport verb To take or send away forcibly, as to a penal colony. deporteer
🔊 179 deportment noun Demeanor. houding
🔊 180 deposition noun Testimony legally taken on interrogatories and reduced to writing, for use as evidence in court. afsetting
🔊 181 depositor noun One who makes a deposit, or has an amount deposited. deponeerder
🔊 182 depository noun A place where anything is kept in safety. bewaarplaas
🔊 183 deprave verb To render bad, especially morally bad. laat ontaard
🔊 184 deprecate verb To express disapproval or regret for, with hope for the opposite. afkeuren
🔊 185 depreciate verb To lessen the worth of. verswak
🔊 186 depreciation noun A lowering in value or an underrating in worth. waardevermindering
🔊 187 depress verb To press down. onderdruk
🔊 188 depression noun A falling of the spirits. depressie
🔊 189 depth noun Deepness. diepte
🔊 190 derelict adjective Neglectful of obligation. verlate
🔊 191 deride verb To ridicule. spot
🔇 derisible adjective Open to ridicule. derisible
🔊 193 derision noun Ridicule. bespotting
🔊 194 derivation noun That process by which a word is traced from its original root or primitive form and meaning. afleiding
🔊 195 derivative adjective Coming or acquired from some origin. afgeleide
🔊 196 derive verb To deduce, as from a premise. herlei
🔊 197 dermatology noun The branch of medical science which relates to the skin and its diseases. vel
🔊 198 derrick noun An apparatus for hoisting and swinging great weights. Derrick
🔊 199 descendant noun One who is descended lineally from another, as a child, grandchild, etc. afstammeling
🔊 200 descendent adjective Proceeding downward. afstammeling

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